The app for people who love reading the Bible

Our mission is to help people get the most out of their Bibles every day.

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Everything you need for your Bible journey

Whether you are a beginner or veteran, Life Bible has everything you need to grow in your walk with God.

Daily Verse
Reading Plans
Study Bibles

Daily Verse and Devotionals

Start your daily morning in the Bible

Get the Daily Scripture, Devotional and TouchPoint to start your day rooted in God’s word.


Discover the meaning behind Scripture

Have you ever needed an explanation about Scripture? Tap any verse and discover Study Bibles and Commentaries that explain the meaning of any verse in the Bible.


I am wondering about…

The only Bible app with TouchPoints. Search over 350 different felt need topics and find Bible answers for life’s most important questions.

Reading Plans

Find a plan just for you

Make reading through the Bible a spiritual goal or conquer a life challenge with one of our reading plans. Choose from over 450 quick topical plans or 150 devotional books by renown authors.

Study Bibles and Commentaries

Grow in your Bible study and faith

Learn how to apply Scripture to your daily life and find the meaning behind a verse. Get all the top Study Bibles and Commentaries in the Life Bible app.

Additional features

And so much more

Packed with many features to help you in your Bible studies.

Book introductions
book introductions
Audio Bible
Make Verse Notes
Make verse notes
Take notes
Take notes
Highlight your Bible
Bookmark verses
Bookmark verses
Use graphs and charts
graphs and charts
Keep your notes organized
keep notes organized


Explore all our digital titles

Discover and deepen your relationship with God

Bible Translations

View our selection of popular Bible translations that include the NLT, NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV and more!

Study Bibles
Study Bibles

Dive deeper into the Bible with resources like maps, charts, illustrations & study notes.


Discover new insights from scholars and theologians in our Bible Commentaries.

family reading devotional books
Devotional Books

Start your day with a devotional and experience a deeper connection in your personal time with God.


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Life Bible on all devices

Use Life Bible on all your devices

Life Bible syncs across your phone, tablet and computer (via web) so you can take your Bible resources with you everywhere you go.

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