How can I pass on a spiritual heritage? - Heritage - TouchPoints
Psalm 112:1-3Praise the Lord! Happy are those who fear the Lord. Yes, happy are those who delight in doing what he commands. Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed. They themselves will be wealthy, and their good deeds will never be forgotten.
2 Timothy 1:5I know that you sincerely trust the Lord, for you have the faith of your mother, Eunice, and your grandmother, Lois.
Proverbs 20:7The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children after them.
You can live your life exemplifying faith, obedience, and integrity. Those who watch and respect you will follow in your footsteps.
Acts 16:30-34Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.” And they shared the word of the Lord with him and with all who lived in his household. Even at that hour of the night, the jailer cared for them and washed their wounds. Then he and everyone in his household were immediately baptized. He brought them into his house and set a meal before them, and he and his entire household rejoiced because they all believed in God.
Acts 16:14-15One of them was Lydia from Thyatira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth, who worshiped God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying. She and her household were baptized, and she asked us to be her guests. “If you agree that I am a true believer in the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my home.” And she urged us until we agreed.
You can encourage others in your family to experience a personal relationship with God beginning with salvation through Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 2:11-12And you know that we treated each of you as a father treats his own children. We pleaded with you, encouraged you, and urged you to live your lives in a way that God would consider worthy. For he called you into his Kingdom to share his glory.
Encourage your children to live godly lives. Your example and gentle encouragement increases the likelihood that they will grow their own relationship with Christ.
Nehemiah 12:43Many sacrifices were offered on that joyous day, for God had given the people cause for great joy. The women and children also participated in the celebration, and the joy of the people of Jerusalem could be heard far away.
2 Chronicles 20:13As all the men of Judah stood before the Lord with their little ones, wives, and children . . .
Worship God together as families. The joy of united worship echoes far into the future.
Proverbs 6:20-23My son, obey your father’s commands, and don’t neglect your mother’s teaching. Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. Wherever you walk, their counsel can lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up in the morning, they will advise you. For these commands and this teaching are a lamp to light the way ahead of you.
Proverbs 22:6Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it.
2 Timothy 3:14-15But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you. You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.
Proverbs 4:1-10My children, listen when your father corrects you. Pay attention and learn good judgment, for I am giving you good guidance. Don’t turn away from my instructions. For I, too, was once my father’s son, tenderly loved as my mother’s only child. My father taught me, “Take my words to heart. Follow my commands, and you will live. Get wisdom; develop good judgment. Don’t forget my words or turn away from them. Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you. Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. If you prize wisdom, she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will honor you. She will place a lovely wreath on your head; she will present you with a beautiful crown.” My child, listen to me and do as I say, and you will have a long, good life.
Give your children godly instruction based on Scripture. Someday, they will bless you for your efforts.
Proverbs 22:15A youngster’s heart is filled with foolishness, but discipline will drive it away.
Hebrews 12:11No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it is painful! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
Proverbs 13:24If you refuse to discipline your children, it proves you don’t love them; if you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them.
Disciplining children is unpleasant for all involved, but the momentary pain of discipline will bring long-lasting joy of discipleship.
Psalm 145:4-7Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts . . . Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy of your righteousness.
Exodus 10:2You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am the Lord.
Isaiah 38:19Each generation can make known your faithfulness to the next.
Exodus 12:26-27Then your children will ask, ‘What does all this mean? What is this ceremony about?’ And you will reply . . .
Deuteronomy 6:20-24In the future your children will ask you, ‘What is the meaning of these stipulations, laws, and regulations that the Lord our God has given us?’ Then you must tell them, ‘We were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt, but the Lord brought us out of Egypt with amazing power. Before our eyes the Lord did miraculous signs and wonders . . . and the Lord our God commanded us to obey all these laws and to fear him for our own prosperity and well-being, as is now the case.
Joel 1:3Tell your children about it in the years to come, and let your children tell their children. Pass the story down from generation to generation.
Isaiah 59:21“And this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit will not leave them, and neither will these words I have given you. They will be on your lips and on the lips of your children and your children’s children forever. I, the Lord, have spoken!”
We have a responsibility to tell our children about God. Take every opportunity to pass on your own stories of God’s faithfulness in your life.