Trust His Timetable - Turning Points with God

Trust His Timetable

After fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and also took Titus with me.

Galatians 2:1

A computer-savvy high school graduate volunteers for the US Army to work with computers and earn educational benefits that will allow him to attend college after his discharge. But he is dismayed to learn that before ever touching a keyboard, he’ll have to go through basic training—mud, guns, marching, little sleep, being yelled at by drill sergeants—to learn to be a soldier first. He agrees because he knows it is the path to his ultimate goal.

Sometimes when we pray and ask the Lord to help us achieve a goal in life, we become impatient with the seemingly circuitous route God takes to get us there. Take the apostle Paul, for instance. After coming to know Christ (Acts 9), it was fourteen years before he ever went back to Jerusalem to meet the elders of the founding church of Christianity. There is no indication from Scripture that Paul was impatient with that fact. But given his can-do attitude, Paul might have wondered, Why the delay? What is God doing? If you are asking God for help with something right now, be willing to trust His timetable.

There is no need to arrive anywhere before God wants you to be there.

Faith is the art of holding on to things in spite of your changing moods and circumstances.


From the Book:

Turning Points with God cover image

Turning Points with God
By David Jeremiah

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