Wonder Of Advent #3 - The Wonder of Advent Devotional

Wonder of Advent #3

Read: Mark 1:35-39

Jesus replied, “We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too. That is why I came.”

Mark 1:38

JESUS DID NOT remain in one place. It’s true that he never ventured far beyond Judea and Galilee, but he had some influence among Gentiles and sent his followers into all nations before he ascended. What began in a village called Bethlehem was intended to reach into every corner of the world—a single seed that would cover the planet with its growth. This is why he came. The Incarnation—the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus—was the central event in a global mission.


What does it say about God’s mission that the Nativity took place in Bethlehem rather than in a more prominent place?

From the Book: