Stand By Me - Phoebe - The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional

Stand by Me - Phoebe

Romans 16:1-2

Paul had just completed his masterwork, the Epistle to the Romans. This was as clear a statement of his theology as he could offer, rich with references to the Jewish Scriptures but showing a new way: grace rather than works, the life of God’s Spirit rather than a law-addled death. And who would carry this precious cargo to the church in Rome?


Paul needed someone he could trust, someone respectable enough to be well received in Rome, perhaps someone with the resources to make that journey safely. Phoebe fit the bill, according to the two verses about her that Paul added at the end of the letter.

She lived in Cenchrea, a harbor town just east of Corinth, where Paul was at the time, so the transfer of the document would be easy. Paul called her a “deacon” of the church there (Romans 16:1). This word can be a generic reference to any servant, but it took on an official meaning in the early church that it still has today. So it’s possible that Paul was just saying she served that church, but he might have been using this as an official term, presenting the Romans with her résumé. In any case, she was “worthy of honor” (verse 2).

Another fascinating word describing Phoebe in Romans 16:2 is often translated “helper.” In Greek, it’s prostatis, literally “one who stands in front.” This is the only time the word is used in the New Testament, but elsewhere it means “defender” or even “president.” It’s likely that Paul was referring to her as a supporter or patroness of his work. She “stood by him” during his ministry, or even “stood in front of him” to defend against criticism.

Where do you stand? Do you stand beside your church leaders, supporting their ministry—or do you take every opportunity to criticize? Do you stand by those people who are struggling in their faith, helping them to grow—or do you judge them? Do you stand in front of your family and friends, defending them from destructive forces—or do you sit idly by?

Maybe you could be a Phoebe.

Welcome her in the Lord as one who is worthy of honor among God’s people. Help her in whatever she needs, for she has been helpful to many, and especially to me.

Romans 16:2

From the Book:

The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional cover image

The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional
By Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves

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