The Stubborn Heart - The One Year Daily Wisdom

The Stubborn Heart

Read Proverbs 28

Blessed are those who fear to do wrong, but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble.

Proverbs 28:14

A stubborn heart has stood in the way of many people from becoming Christians. Such a heart refuses to change or listen to reason. And the sad result is that they will never know the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. But don’t give up on the stubborn! They need as much prayer, and sometimes more, than those who seem more receptive to hearing about the Cross.

People who fear to do wrong, on the other hand, are a joy to meet. They are more receptive and responsive to the gospel. They often have a high awareness of their sins and find the news of forgiveness in Jesus Christ truly good news! Those who are stubborn may take longer and be a harder audience, but “serious trouble” often has a way of softening people. That’s more than enough reason to persist in praying and caring for the stubborn people in our lives.


Thank God for hearts that fear to do wrong.

Today, Lord, make me aware of someone who fears to do wrong. Give me the wisdom and words to encourage and speak to that person about you.

From the Book:

The One Year Daily Wisdom cover image

The One Year Daily Wisdom
By Neil Wilson and Livingstone

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