The Joy Of Glitter Glue - The One Year Daily Acts of Kindness Devotional

The Joy of Glitter Glue

Whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.

Colossians 3:17

Really, when it comes down to it, the glitter glue was the deciding factor for my three- and five-year-old girls. Our mudroom closet is filled to bursting with art supplies and activities for us to use during the long winter months, including the notoriously messy-but-desirable glitter glue.

One day, as part of our daily acts of kindness during the Advent season, we decided to become Bheveni DreamCatchers. Bheveni is a small community in the African country of Swaziland. An organization called Children’s HopeChest was asking people to sign up as “DreamCatchers” to help raise funds to build a new community center. At the time, the children of Bheveni gathered in a small building for lessons, singing, and learning, but only about sixty people were able to stand inside shoulder to shoulder, so many would end up sitting outside in the hot sun. We wanted to help change that reality.

With that in mind, my girls pulled out construction paper, markers, and glitter glue to decorate empty mason jars. We spent the afternoon decorating the jars, which then sat on our counter for the next few weeks. In them we collected change—from my husband’s pockets, from my purse, and “commissions” the girls received for doing small chores around the house. Within three weeks, our family had collected $200 for the children of Bheveni—all thanks to a little excitement over glitter glue.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in the seriousness of the needs facing us that we can forget to add a little fun to giving. We are called to give thanks in all circumstances, including the happy ones! We honor God when we have fun helping others. And with a little intentionality, even something as simple as craft time with children and chores around the house can be used to bless others—glitter glue optional.


Today’s Act of Kindness

Gather your spare change and give it to a worthy cause.

From the Book:

The One Year Daily Acts of Kindness Devotional cover image

The One Year Daily Acts of Kindness Devotional
By Julie Fisk & Kendra Roehl & Kristin Demery

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