Wait And Watch - Habits of the Heart
Wait and Watch
As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me.
Micah 7:7
We are all waiting for something—a different job, a restored relationship (or a new one), physical healing, a loved one to come home, or things just to get better.
Each of us has prayers that remain unanswered. Seasons of waiting can seem like a waste of time, but what if waiting is actually a gift?
The practice of “waiting well” is making the most of the time at hand. The only way to grow into a person who “waits well” is through experience—in other words, through a lot of waiting!
The next week focuses on learning from our seasons of waiting to be more hopeful in God’s plan for us, to be persistent in prayer, to be more confident and courageous as we wait, and to resist the urge to rush ahead of God’s timing.
No matter how difficult or pointless waiting feels, trust that God will use your waiting as a gift of time, not a waste of it.