A Prayer For Job Loss - To Light Their Way
O God who provides for each day, Help us trust You. Help us be humble enough to Accept help when we need a listening ear Or a helping hand Or the simple compassion of another. And help us to be brave enough To keep trusting That You love us in our vulnerabilities And You will provide for us in our need. O God, we just want to provide for our kids, To give them a family they can rely on, A home with warm beds, Full cupboards, And room to be themselves. But right now, we aren’t sure how We’ll even pay the bills. We want to give our kids What they need And sometimes even What they want. We know money doesn’t buy life, But sometimes it provides comfort. And now with this job loss, We’re not sure what to do. Where will we go from here? What will we do? Who will we be? Give us new hope to begin again. Set us on a new journey Full of hope over bitterness, Imagination over cynicism. God, help us know that our worth Is more than a paycheck. Help us trust You With our family’s future That was never ours to hold anyway. The road ahead is filled with unknowns, But we know You are good And You love us. May that be enough. Psalm 130:5; John 16:33A Prayer for Job Loss