A Purposeful Death - The Promise of Lent Devotional

A Purposeful Death

Read: 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.

2 Corinthians 4:10

WE WERE MADE for glory. We know that; we can feel it in the depths of our hearts. The desire is embedded in the spiritual DNA we were given long ago. But every day we also face the painful reality of the world as we know it. Glory is faint and fleeting in this world, and the world’s ways of searching for it are ultimately futile. We’re trapped between longing and experience, and there seems to be no way out except death.

Until Jesus. We know the Easter story, how he died for us so we could live for him. He willingly took the sources of all the world’s futility onto his shoulders and carried them to the cross. The primeval rebellion, the sins of the ages, the pride of human hearts—all of it went into the grave, and none of it came out with him. The free gift of salvation, our redemption and restoration from a fallen existence, is a beautiful promise. Nothing we can do will earn or merit this promise. There’s nothing left for us but gratitude.

Or is there? Clearly we cannot earn our redemption and restoration, but is there some way to position ourselves to experience it more fully? Paul seemed to think so. The treasure we carry in these earthen vessels can only come out if the earthen vessels are broken. We cannot live from the strength of our own flesh and still experience the strength of the Spirit. One of them must rule while the other fades into the background. Which will it be? This season of introspection, repentance, and discipline reminds us of the choice we made when we believed in Jesus. We must enter into his death in order to experience his life. The grime on the windows of our souls must be washed away, our material trappings stripped off to expose the light within. The more we die, the more we live.

We are not called simply to believe the Cross but also to participate in it. No, we won’t die as Jesus did, providing a sacrifice for all. But we will die; in fact, we are in the process now. But even more, we are in the process of experiencing new life that lasts forever. And that life will forever be full of the glory we were designed to share.


Lord, may your treasure in me be clearly seen. In my weakness, show your strength. In my helplessness, show your provision and power. In my futility, show your victory. And in my death, show your life. Amen.


What does it mean to be crucified and resurrected with Jesus? What implications does that have for our lives today?

Further reading: Romans 6:3-11

Yea! Gladly is the flesh and blood in us compelled to the Cross;

The more it benefits our souls, the more painfully it weighs.


From the Book: