The Tree - Catherine Of Siena’s Dialogue - The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional
The Tree - Catherine of Siena’s Dialogue
In her masterwork, The Dialogue of Catherine of Siena, the fourteenth-century visionary Catherine of Siena wrote down a parable God had given her involving a circle of ground, a tree growing in that circle, and an offshoot branching from the tree: “The soul is a tree existing by love, and that it can live by nothing else than love. . . . It is necessary then, that the root of this tree, that is the affection of the soul, should grow in, and issue from the circle of true self-knowledge which is contained in Me.”
As the parable expands, the soil with this circle is “the earth of true humility,” which “the tree of love feeds itself on.” The offshoot branch is described as “true discretion” that “produces fragrant blossoms of virtue.” As a result, neighbors are blessed by the fruit and blossoms of the tree.
This proves to be a wonderful image of Catherine’s life and work. Her rich inner spirituality sent her roots deep into God’s resources. She encountered various types of suffering—physical as well as social—but she found nourishment in her relationship with God. And yet she wasn’t just a well-fed tree. She “branched out” in deeds of love for the poor and needy as well as in prophetic messages to the powerful. Her outward actions sprang from her inner connection with God.
How does this parable fit you? Are you planted in good soil? Are you drawing nourishment from your knowledge of God? Are you letting that connection with God blossom forth in good actions that bless others? How does your outward life display the inner reality of your relationship with God? Are you blossoming with the fruit of that relationship, or are you having trouble getting the nourishment you need?
Or is there some other parable that would depict your life? Take some time to talk with God about this. Let him fill your imagination.
I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5
The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional
By Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves