Small Wonder - Blandina - The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional

Small Wonder - Blandina

D. 177

Things turned very ugly very fast for the Christians in Lyon. The year was AD 177. Bishop Irenaeus had been well respected, and the church had been tolerated—but suddenly there was open hostility. Christians were banned from the public markets. Some were arrested on trumped-up charges. Mobs protested against them.

Some of this was based on ignorance. Christianity was seen as a perverted sect, guilty of incest, child sacrifice, and cannibalism—since they preached “brotherly love” and partook of the “body and blood of the Son.” Enemies spread vicious rumors, and the mob believed them. So did the Roman officials, who tried and condemned many Christians.

The imprisoned Christians also fell victim to budget cuts. Gladiator games were getting expensive. It was much cheaper to send convicted criminals (in this case, Christians) into the arena against the wild beasts.

Among these Christian “criminals” was a slave girl named Blandina, who amazed everyone with her endurance, even wearing out her torturers. By one report, they were “weary and exhausted. They themselves admitted that they were beaten, that there was nothing further they could do to her, and they were surprised that she was still breathing for her entire body was broken and torn.” She simply would not deny her faith in Jesus.

Even in the arena she prayed fervently and confidently, and the animals wouldn’t touch her . . . on the first day. They had to take her back to the prison, where she greatly inspired the other believers, “tiny, weak, and insignificant as she was,” according to one ancient writer. She finally succumbed on another day in the arena, where she was attacked by a bull.

Consider this: we know nothing about Blandina’s life. Surely she had friends, a family, daily tasks, and perhaps some responsibility in her church fellowship. But we don’t know any of that. We know only how well she handled suffering.

When you go through difficult times, it’s easy to feel “tiny, weak, and insignificant,” but maybe that’s when you’ll have the greatest influence. Like Blandina, you can inspire others with the tenacity of your faith.

Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer.

2 Corinthians 1:6

From the Book:

The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional cover image

The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional
By Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves

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