Devotion - The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional


One trait that marks most of the great women in Christian history is devotion. Some have left a legacy of devotional writing that is far more than a matter of gathering pious thoughts to start the day. Women have been pioneers in considering the question, How can we become more thoroughly devoted to God? Throughout the centuries, they have plumbed the depths of Christian love and loyalty.

Devotion generally begins with focus on God: spending time in his presence, getting to know him, and listening to what he has to say. Especially in medieval times, this often became a mystical experience, a spirit-to-Spirit connection. It wasn’t just about learning something new about God; it was knowing God.

For many women throughout history, those connective moments allowed them to hear God’s direction for their lives, which they then pursued with that same loyal, loving devotion.

Angela Merici was so devoted to her call that she said no to a pope. Knowing education was the key to advancement in society, Angela felt called to start schools for girls. She was so good at what she did that the pope asked her to take charge of a group of nuns, but Angela declined, staying devoted to what she believed God called her to—educating young women.

Flash-forward four hundred years or so, and you find American Katharine Bushnell devoted to women who were being forced against their will into prostitution and human trafficking. Though her life was threatened, she leaned upon the promise that Christ would strengthen her. Her devotion and bravery helped to change the laws, and her experience later led her to help similar women in India.

More recently, Dorothy Day’s devotion to the poor led her to found a national movement in the 1930s that helped the needy. And many other women have also thrown themselves into causes that God led them into.

It still happens like that today. Devotion to God creates a closeness to him, and when there’s a closeness, it’s easier to hear him say, “Hey, you have this skill, you have this talent, you have this opportunity to help out with (insert your cause here), and I want you to devote yourself to it.”

The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Psalm 32:8

From the Book:

The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional cover image

The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional
By Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves

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