Countless Ways To Honor - The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge
Countless Ways to Honor
Husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her. Ephesians 5:25
I was once asked at a press conference what I had done on Friday afternoon to prepare for the upcoming game. It was during the playoffs, but I had learned from Chuck Noll years before that you don’t change your schedule just because it’s a playoff game. So I had spent Friday afternoon the way our entire staff had done all season. We took the afternoon off as personal time. Lauren had been out of town, and I wanted her to come home to a clean house. So I went home and cleaned the house.
The reporter thought I was joking when I said I cleaned the house. It’s not what you expect an NFL coach to do on a Friday during the playoffs. But I was serious. This was something I could do to help her out, and at the time it made more sense than taking her out or buying her some jewelry. I wanted to do something that would actually benefit her well-being.
I still try to find ways to make our home a sanctuary for Lauren. I learned that from my dad, who frequently took us kids out to a park in order to give mom some space and time to herself. And she did the same for him. They took care of each other’s needs.
Honoring your spouse is important, and I think it’s rarer to find a husband who does it well for his wife than the other way around—although neither seems particularly common. The person God has brought into your life to live with you “till death do you part” is worthy of honor. Honor can be conveyed in large ways but also in the little things—holding a door open, running an errand, or paying a compliment. When you nurture each other like that, you are improving the health of your family, strengthening your marriage, and fulfilling God’s purpose for your most important relationship next to your relationship with Him.
Uncommon Key > Relationships are about love, and love is about sacrificially serving another. Focus on honoring your spouse by taking care of his or her needs.
The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge
By Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker