Be Focused - The One Year Salt and Light Devotional

Be Focused

Joshua 3:1-4

When you see the Levitical priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD your God, move out from your positions and follow them. (Joshua 3:3)

GOD CHARGED JOSHUA AND ISRAEL with the monumental task of taking possession of the Promised Land and told them to be strong and courageous about it. Though he gave them ample reason for confidence, he did not urge them to run off into it haphazardly. He prepared them and gave them strategies. And the first strategy was to focus on his presence—at that time, on the Ark of the Lord carried by the priests—as their cue for moving forward. They were to prioritize worship, his presence, and his leading. They were to focus first and foremost on him.

That’s true of any endeavor in life. Centuries later, Jehoshaphat was surrounded by hostile armies and turned to God for help. God spoke through a prophet, assuring the people of Judah of deliverance. Jehoshaphat then appointed worshipers to lead the army into battle. The songs of praise led to confusion of the enemy and an unusually easy victory (2 Chronicles 20). You’ll find that in whatever you do, it will go better when your foundation is worship and your method involves sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading. A focus on life will result in futility; a focus on God will result in fruitfulness in life. The Ark of his presence should always precede everything you do.

As you seek to fulfill your calling as salt and light in this world, remember to keep your focus not on the world, not on your life, but on the presence of God. That will mean prioritizing worship, but it will also mean watching him for cues on where and when to proceed. Whatever he is doing and wherever he is moving, get in on it. That doesn’t mean you should pick up and move to wherever the latest revival is breaking out (though God may direct some to do that). Instead, trust that he is working around you right now. Ask him for eyes to see where and then ways to meet him there. Let your focus on him empower you and guide you wherever you go.

{Lord, may I never lose sight of you. Compared to you, the giants in my life are tiny. My worship reminds me of your power and your purposes. Give me eyes to see where you are opening hearts, minds, and circumstances, and the sensitivity to join you there. Amen.

From the Book: