Standing Out In The Crowd - Noah - The One Year Men of the Bible
Standing Out in the Crowd - Noah
The LORD said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing—all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.” But Noah found favor with the LORD.
Genesis 6:7-8
Cynthia Cooper and Sherron Watkins made the term whistle-blower a household word a few years ago when they exposed massive financial scandals within WorldCom and Enron. Whistle-blowers make themselves vulnerable to persecution and opposition, particularly from those who have something to hide.
They are nonetheless willing to stand out in a crowd for what they know is right.
Noah stood out that way. His contemporaries had become so corrupt that God expressed great sorrow over having ever made them. Their constant sin so offended God that he decided to destroy the world and every living thing.
Noah was the exception.
Noah’s uniquely righteous life set him apart in a world made crooked by sin. No doubt Noah found it tempting to conform to the world around him—as all of us do—but somehow he remained true to God and his righteous standards.
When you build your life on God and live by his standards, you will stand out in a crowd. You might feel the sting of ridicule and persecution, but you will be in good company! Like Noah, you will find favor with God and enjoy his blessings.
Forces in this world will always try to conform you to their corrupt images. You will find favor with the Lord by choosing to stand out in the crowd because of your desire to identify with Christ and live by his standards.