Forgetting The Past - The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional
Forgetting the Past
Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
Philippians 3:13-14
ACCORDING TO 1 CORINTHIANS 13, love “keeps no record of wrongs.” How many times in a counseling session have I listened as a husband or wife detailed each other’s past failures? The hurt, pain, and disappointment are all felt as though the wrongdoing happened yesterday. I ask you, of what value is that?
All of us have sin in our past. Yes, we are guilty of dreadful failures, but the great message of Christmas is that God will forgive. And once we are forgiven, God never reminds us of past failures. In fact, in Isaiah 43:25, he tells us that he “will never think of them again.” What a promise!
We need to follow God’s example. If your mate confesses and asks forgiveness, you must never again bring up the past. Remember, your well-being is not determined by the past, but by what you do with the future. What is important is how you treat each other today, not how you treated each other last month or last year.
Follow the apostle Paul’s example from Philippians 3 and forget the past, concentrating instead on the future and your end goal—to live a Christlike life. Forgetting the past is the key that can open the future, bringing reconciliation between you and your spouse.
Father, on this Christmas Day, I want to thank you for sending Jesus to the world to save us. His sacrifice makes it possible for you to forgive us and forget the past! Please help me to stop looking back at my spouse’s past failures and rehashing the hurt. Instead, I want to look forward to the growth and reconciliation we can experience in the future. Show me how to forgive and love like you do, Lord.
Looking Ahead
The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional
By Gary Chapman