Can Or Can’t - The One Year Devotions for Women on the Go

Can or Can’t

Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

“Whether you say you can or you can’t, you are probably right.” This is one of my son Zach’s favorite coaching quotes.

Recently I was attending the All-star National Cheerleading competition, where my son, Zach, was on the team.

Going into stiff competition, Zach’s team was favored to win the nationals and had been working hard to prepare for this day. During warm-ups, Andre, one of the team members, dislocated a shoulder. He was one of the key “stunters,” and at many points in the routine he needed to lift another cheerleader above his head, a move requiring split-second timing. There was no room for delay or error. Somehow Andre managed to pop his shoulder back into place, but every time he tried to raise his arm over his head, the pain was so excruciating that tears would run down his cheeks. (And strapping young men like Andre don’t cry!)

The team was worried about Andre. They knew the pressure he felt—and the pain. Although Andre was new to his faith, he had heard verses such as, “I press on toward the goal” (Philippians 3:14, NIV). But how was he going to do that?

Laying my hand on his shoulder, I prayed that God would give him strength and send Andre someone who could help him. Immediately after I prayed, another coach noticed that Andre was in pain and offered medical help.

We all held our breath and prayed as the team performed with so much responsibility resting on Andre. In spite of his pain, Andre pushed through—and they won the national title.

He could have said, “I can’t,” but Andre chose to go forward and say, “I can.”

From the Book:

The One Year Devotions for Women on the Go cover image

The One Year Devotions for Women on the Go
By Stephen Arterburn, Pam Farrel

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