Faith - The One Year Devotions for Moms


Future generations will also serve him. Our children will hear about the wonders of the Lord. His righteous acts will be told to those yet unborn. They will hear about everything he has done.

Psalm 22:30-31

When my children were in preschool and early elementary years, one of my favorite things to do was read to them. Whether we were sitting in a rocking chair or propped up in bed, it was fun to read and snuggle at the same time. Although we learned from many kinds of books, God’s Word enriched us more than any other. Together, we witnessed God’s wonders and provisions in other people’s lives, and we were encouraged to believe he would provide for us, too.

I especially liked the story of baby Moses. The king of Egypt had instructed the Hebrew midwives to kill all of the Hebrew baby boys. Being a woman of faith, Moses’ mother, Jochebed, put him in a basket and hid him among the reeds of a river. His older sister, Miriam, kept an eye on the basket until Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses and adopted him. In God’s plan, Miriam asked the princess if she should find a nurse for the child, and Moses’ very own mother was able to raise him for some years before he was educated in Pharaoh’s palace.

Imagine how often Jochebed must have retold that story to Moses and Miriam and their brother Aaron before Moses went to live in the palace. The siblings grew up hearing that God sees and God provides. Later in their lives God used them to lead his people out of Egypt. In the same way, we can encourage our children’s faith by telling how God has provided for us. The time we spend encouraging them now will influence their leadership down the road.

God who sees and provides,

Thank you for blessing us with children to nurture and love. Thank you for giving us your Word to be our guide. Please help us to notice your provisions and then to rehearse them with our children, strengthening our faith and encouraging theirs. Amen.

From the Book: