Prove It! - The One Year Devotions for Men on the Go
Prove It!
Read Ephesians 5:21-33
You husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. He gave up his life for her. Ephesians 5:25
Andy loved Sheri, but Sheri wasn’t sure she could trust him. Andy was an outgoing, energetic young man, but to those who knew him, he appeared to be self-absorbed. Andy knew about his reputation, and he knew about Sheri’s misgivings.
It was obvious to everyone who knew this couple that Andy was in love with Sheri. Andy had been trying to get Sheri’s attention for months, and he finally decided to take the direct approach.
“Sheri, I really care about you and I want you to spend some time with me,” Andy said. “I want you to know that you can trust me.”
Sheri’s response echoed in Andy’s heart: “Prove it.”
“What do you mean?” Andy asked.
“If you say I can trust you, prove it!” she repeated.
Andy decided that Sheri was worth the challenge. He knew he wanted to marry this young lady, so he set out to show her over and over again that he could be trusted. When she was upset, he listened. When he was supposed to meet her somewhere, he showed up—on time. When he had to change their plans, he called to let her know. When he disappointed her, he apologized without making excuses.
Sheri finally decided that Andy had proved himself worthy of her trust. She said yes to his proposal of marriage. Today Sheri is secure in his love because he had proved it. Andy is confident in their relationship because he had proved his trustworthiness.
Do you want a marriage and family in which your loved ones are secure in your love? Then don’t just tell them you love them—prove it!
Lord, give me the courage to prove my love every day to those who matter most to me.