Two-way Street - The One Year Daily Wisdom

Two-way Street

Read Proverbs 6

My son, obey your father’s commands, and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction.

Proverbs 6:20

Parents have a crucial role to play in contemporary society. There are more and more pressures on families today as they attempt to function within a world that rejects truth, traditional notions of marriage and family, and basic moral guidelines for living. One of the basic building blocks of society is under attack, and there is little recognition of the chaos that will follow if the family structure should collapse.

Teaching cannot be left to schools or churches; the primary people in a child’s life are his or her parents. The responsibility is unavoidable. But this proverb is not just for parents; it also calls on children to listen to their parents. This proverb conveys the words of a loving heavenly Father saying to children, “More than anyone else in this world, your parents love and care for you and desire to see you fulfill your potential. As your parents are listening to what I teach them, you should also be listening to what they are teaching you.”


Parents are a valuable resource.

Lord, help me to be a great parent to my children and a great son or daughter to my own parents. Impress your commands on my heart and fill me with love for my family members.

From the Book:

The One Year Daily Wisdom cover image

The One Year Daily Wisdom
By Neil Wilson and Livingstone

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