Hard Words - The One Year Daily Wisdom

Hard Words

Read Proverbs 25

Telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax, wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow.

Proverbs 25:18

When you were a child, you may have heard the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” It’s a popular saying, but the Bible tells us otherwise. Whereas a stone might cause a bruise on the surface, it heals quickly and there are rarely any long-term negative consequences. Words, on the other hand, pierce to the soul and can cause long-lasting damage.

Of all the words that sting, lies are the worst. They slander our name; they spread dissension; and they destroy relationships, families, businesses, and churches. They lead to more lies and more lies again to cover up the first lies. Satan deceived Eve with a lie in the Garden of Eden. The bottom line is that lies cause far more damage than any other weapon invented by man. Thankfully, the solution is simple—don’t tell lies. The command is not just for kids who stole a cookie or didn’t do their homework—it’s for everyone, of every age, of every station in life.


Words hurt more deeply than sticks and stones.

Today, Lord, help me to stand up for truth. I know it in my head and I can say it with my lips, but help me to feel it in my heart and live it with my life.

From the Book:

The One Year Daily Wisdom cover image

The One Year Daily Wisdom
By Neil Wilson and Livingstone

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