A Wonderful Inheritance - The One Year Book of Psalms

A Wonderful Inheritance

Psalm 16:1-6

A psalm of David.

1Keep me safe, O God,

for I have come to you for refuge.

2I said to the LORD, “You are my Master!

All the good things I have are from you.”

3The godly people in the land

are my true heroes!

I take pleasure in them!

4Those who chase after other gods will be filled with sorrow.

I will not take part in their sacrifices

or even speak the names of their gods.

5LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.

You guard all that is mine.

6The land you have given me is a pleasant land.

What a wonderful inheritance!

One day a wealthy estate owner took a friend to the third floor of his palatial manor to show him the extent of his landholdings. Gesturing out the window to the west, he said, “All that you can see is mine.”

The guest said nothing.

Then the owner added, “Can you see that farmhouse at a distance? That belongs to me, too.” They walked to the east side and once again the owner pointed out the window. “Can you see that valley down there? I own that, too.”

Finally the guest spoke up. “Just beyond that valley is a little village, and I know a woman in that village who lives in a small cottage. But she can say more than that.”

“Oh, what can she say?” asked the owner.

The guest responded, “She can say, ‘Christ is mine.’ ”

What a wonderful inheritance!

Paul wrote to the Romans, “Since we are his children, we will share his treasures—for everything God gives to his Son, Christ, is ours, too” (Romans 8:17). And to the Ephesians he wrote, “Because of Christ, we have received an inheritance from God” (Ephesians 1:11).

Since God has given us this wonderful inheritance in Christ, we, too, can rejoice with David in this psalm.

I’m an heir of the king, Hallelujah;

He safeguards my treasures each day.

He gives me the joy of his presence

And leads me along the right way.


In verse 5 “my cup” signifies that God is the satisfying drink that refreshes and invigorates the soul. This idea is developed more fully by Jesus in John 4:10-14.

The tribe of Levi was allotted no portion of land in the Promised Land of Canaan. Why not? (See Numbers 18:20.)

From the Book:

The One Year Book of Psalms cover image

The One Year Book of Psalms
By William Petersen, Randy Petersen, and Tyndale

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