What Are Your Miracles All About? - The One Year Book of Hope

What Are Your Miracles All About?

Jesus told them, “Go back to John and tell him about what you have heard and seen—the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor.” Matthew 11:4-5

I’m relieved that I am in good company when it comes to wondering about the miracles of Jesus. John the Baptist, whom Jesus described as the greatest prophet ever born (see Matthew 11:11), heard what Jesus was doing and sent his disciples to ask, “Are you really the Messiah we’ve been waiting for, or should we keep looking for someone else?” (Matthew 11:3). John was not wavering in his faith; he was questioning Jesus’ agenda. He had expected fire and judgment from the promised Messiah. But instead of judging the house of God, Jesus was far from Jerusalem carrying on a ministry of healing. John came to Jesus with the same question I have: “What is your healing ministry all about?”

Jesus sent John’s disciples back as eyewitnesses, instructing them to report to John the Baptist all of the healing miracles they had seen Jesus perform. Why would Jesus answer that way? Jesus knew that John would remember Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the Messiah: “And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the blind and unstop the ears of the deaf. The lame will leap like a deer, and those who cannot speak will shout and sing!” (Isaiah 35:5-6).

If we want to understand the nature and purpose of the miracles Jesus performed, we have to hear Jesus’ implied message: “I am the one you’ve been waiting for. I am the one who was promised long ago. I AM.” Some say the healing miracles of Jesus are evidence that we can call upon and count on the almighty and all-loving Jesus to touch our bodies and heal our diseases here and now—that God always wants to heal our bodies. And I think Jesus might say, “You’ve missed the point! You’re so concerned about getting what you want from me, you’ve missed me.”

Do you wonder, like John, what his miracles are all about? Jesus invites you to look closely at his miracles and see who he really is, the gift of God-in-the-flesh who has only just begun fulfilling all his promises to you. Embrace the fullness of who Jesus is—the ultimate answer to your deepest needs.

Promised Messiah, your miracles speak to me of your ability to fulfill your promises and accomplish your purpose in the world. I believe you will also fulfill your purposes in me and promises to me of an eternal future with you.


What do the following verses say about the purpose of the miracles of Jesus: John 5:36; 14:11; 20:30-31; and Acts 2:22?

From the Book: