Time Out - Leaning on the Promises of God for Moms
Time Out
If you find yourself snapping at your children or feeling upset with someone over petty things, it may be because you haven’t had enough time with God. Without the investment of time with Jesus, it is impossible to be spiritual!
Here are a few practical suggestions for meeting with God:
- Find a time (or times) you can set aside to meet with God. Even five minutes is better than nothing! There is no specific time more holy than others—you can learn just as much at midnight as you can at early dawn.
- Read through the Psalms, one each day. Circle or write down any truth it teaches you about God.
- Do the same with the book of Hebrews. Look at Hebrews to learn the lessons of what pleases God, the attributes of Jesus, and His will for us to hold fast.
- Read a chapter of Proverbs each day and keep a list of what this book teaches you about folly versus wisdom.
Allow me to pray for you as you seek to regularly meet with God.
Lord, I pray that You will raise up women who will love You, seek You, trust You, and serve You with their whole hearts. Speak to them in their needs and issues of life and help them to learn from You. Comfort them and guide them in wisdom. Bless these precious ones, I pray, and thank You so much for Your generous, unfailing love. We love and worship You. In Jesus’ precious and wonderful name we come. Amen.
His Promises
Come close to God, and God will come close to you.
I have hidden your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.