Overcoming Robbers Of Delight - Joy in Jesus
Overcoming Robbers of Delight
“Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1, NIV)
Do you ever feel stuck, like something is blocking your joy in Jesus? Maybe it’s guilt over a past mistake, a busy schedule, or the constant pull of distractions. These things can quietly rob us of the delight we long to experience in God.
But here’s the good news: Jesus never intended for you to carry those burdens alone. In Matthew 11:28-30 He invites us to come to Him, bringing all our weariness and heavy loads, and exchange them for His rest. Similarly, Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to throw off anything that entangles us and instead, fix our eyes on Him. Whatever feels too heavy for you right now, Jesus stands ready and able to set you free.
Sometimes, letting go is harder than it sounds. We cling to the very things that weigh us down. But Jesus offers us something far better: freedom. True joy comes when we open our hands and release the heavy burdens we’re carrying, making space for Jesus to fill our lives with what He knows we need. Imagine holding on tightly to something with clenched fists. You can’t receive anything new that way, can you? But when you let go, your hands are ready to accept His gifts of love, joy, and peace.
Surrendering what holds us back isn’t easy—it requires trust. But here’s the beauty: when we fix our eyes on Jesus, He shows us that He’s faithful to carry what we cannot. As we release the weight we’ve been holding onto, He fills us with the joy and freedom we were created to experience.
Today, take a moment to reflect: What’s robbing you of joy in Jesus? Maybe it’s a fear you’ve been carrying, a mistake that’s hard to forget, or the busyness of daily life. Whatever it is, take it to Jesus. Open your hands and ask Him to help you let it go, trusting Him to fill you with His peace and joy.
Closing Prayer:
Lord, You know exactly what’s holding me back from fully delighting in You. I don’t want to carry these burdens anymore. Help me to trust You enough to release them into Your hands. Thank You for Your grace and for the freedom You promise. Amen.