A Lifelong Pursuit Of Joy - Joy in Jesus

A Lifelong Pursuit of Joy

“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Philippians 3:8, ESV)

Have you ever thought about how your closest relationships grow deeper over time? Think about a treasured friendship. The longer you spend time together, the more you notice the other person’s little quirks, their strengths, and the unique ways they show love. You might even smile when you remember a special moment you shared or a challenge you overcame together. That bond feels irreplaceable, doesn’t it?

Our relationship with Jesus is like that, but on an even deeper level. Paul’s words in Philippians 3:8 remind us of this truth: the more we get to know Jesus, the more we discover there is to know. He is our greatest treasure. Knowing Him isn’t a fleeting experience or a once-a-week ritual. It’s an ongoing relationship where He delights in us, and we find our joy in Him.

This kind of relationship takes time and attention. Some seasons will feel effortless, filled with joy and connection. Other seasons may feel dry, where we struggle to sense His presence. But here’s the beauty: Jesus is faithful in every season, drawing us closer to His heart. And as we spend time with Him—through His Word, in prayer, and by simply inviting Him into our daily lives—we come to know Him more deeply.

The closer we grow to Jesus, the more everything else finds its rightful place. Every blessing becomes sweeter because it points us back to Him, and every challenge becomes bearable because we’re anchored in His love. Over time, we begin to see what Paul meant: our greatest delight and treasure in this world is a deepening friendship with Jesus.


What’s one small, practical step you can take this week to draw closer to Jesus? Could you set aside 10 minutes to pray, read a favorite passage of Scripture, or simply sit quietly in His presence? Ask Him to reveal more of Himself to you and to grow your delight in Him.

Closing Prayer:

Jesus, You are my greatest treasure. I confess that I sometimes look to other things to fill my heart, but nothing compares to You. Help me to pursue You with all my heart and to find my deepest joy in Your presence. Amen.

From the Book:

Joy in Jesus cover image

Joy in Jesus
By Asheritah Ciuciu


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