Steps Toward A New Reformation - Does Christianity Still Make Sense?
Steps Toward a New Reformation
More than five hundred years ago, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. These theses codified his contentions against the Catholic Church at the time. With one bold move, Luther lit the match that sparked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Having taken a few Reformation tours myself, and having stood at the door of the Castle Church, I can say this: If ever there was a time for a New Reformation, that time is now.
The church in America is in shambles. And there are several reasons why.
For starters, some of the mess relates to the rapid changes taking place in our culture as various churches obsessed with staying current have compromised to fit in. Some of the chaos has been caused by spoon-feeding the saints on a doctrineless diet, which has contributed to much of the doctrinal confusion among believers. Some of the disorder stems from various sorts of false teaching infiltrating the church. Adding to the mess are those who stick around the church, not to preserve it but to pervert it. These are those who’d like to give the church a facelift. To update it. You know, make it in vogue. And, of course, the list of church scandals over the last several years has made this mess seem nearly impossible to clean up. The church’s story is a messy one. But it’s the story in which we find ourselves. Here are four steps we can take as believers to help bring about a new reformation.
First, we need to identify the problems within the church that need reforming. Luther couldn’t post his ninety-five theses without first reflecting on his contentions. I’m certainly not advocating for some long list, but we do need reform around the essentials of what makes up our Christian faith. Rallying around the gospel and the authority of Scripture is a good place to start. We should aim for a manifesto of sorts that will help us band together around the cultural issues of our day that threaten to undermine our Christian faith. Again, the list shouldn’t be long, but it should be clear enough and broad enough to reach across the denominational spectrum to help us stand together during these trying times.
Second, we need courageous leaders to step up to the call and figure out a way to unify the church at large. We are living in times that will require great courage of us. And we need those leaders with large platforms to rise to this occasion by figuring out a way to network us together. Besides, we’ll be stronger together as a result.
Third, we need to break the silence and start using our voice again as agents of change. For too long, the church has been silent. In calling for the church to speak up, I’m certainly not suggesting that we become obnoxious or lose our Christian witness. But we should be speaking the truth in love.
Finally, we need to recognize the price tag of bringing about reformation. Reformation is never easy, and I suspect there is much adversity ahead. Yes, the times are dark, but we’ve been given an opportunity to shine. The darker the culture becomes, the more brightly the church can shine. It’s time for a new reformation.
Thought to Chew On:
As you reflect on today’s study, prayerfully consider one thing you can do to contribute to bringing about a new reformation.
Scripture Passages:
- If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
- Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first (Revelation 2:5).
Does Christianity Still Make Sense?
By Bobby Conway