Knowing What Matters Most - A Minute of Vision for Men

Knowing What Matters Most

One of the things I have had trouble learning to say is the word no. By nature, I am an extrovert, a people pleaser, and a problem solver. But my coach Dan Hall, president of On Course Solutions, has continually challenged me to see why I say yes or no.

Dan once asked me to declare what I have already said yes to. These are my most important tasks and responsibilities. He has taught me that if I don’t know what my top priorities are, I won’t ever have the freedom to say no. The longer we have walked together, the more I have learned that he is right.

Jesus was a master of saying no because of what he had already said yes to. In Mark 1:37-38 we see Jesus in prayer: “When they found him, they said, ‘Everyone is looking for you.’ But Jesus replied, ‘We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too. That is why I came.’”

The crowd is assembled, his followers are urging him there as well, but Jesus says, “No, I’m headed this way.” Jesus could say no because he had already said yes to the plan of the Father.

What have you already said yes to? If you are married and have kids, there are two of your answers. Remember, knowing what you will and won’t do is crucial to your success and fulfillment.

When they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” But Jesus replied, “We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too. That is why I came.”

Mark 1:37-38

From the Book: