A Prayer About Values - 365 Pocket Prayers for Women

A prayer about Values

When I consider the power of godly values

Lord God,

What I say I value isn’t always reflected in how I spend my time and money, who my friends are, or what I watch and read. I want my choices to reflect what I really consider important, useful, and worthwhile. Please give me the wisdom to see where the world’s values have shaped me, and give me the courage and determination to change. You are my top priority, and I want that to be reflected in the words I speak and the things I do. O Lord, may others be able to look at how I spend my time, energy, and money and know that I love you. When I love and worship you, obey you wholeheartedly, make godly choices, and serve others, I display godly values. As I treasure you above all, may you use my life in a powerful way.

Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6:20-21

From the Book: