God Beckons - 100 Days to Freedom from Depression

God Beckons

Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28 nkjv

When you read the above invitation, do any of these responses sound familiar:

  • “I got it; I can manage.”
  • “If I ask for or receive help, I will be seen as weak.”
  • “That person has it worse than I do.”

In a world where we’re applauded for our independence, God’s words can sound foreign. Furthermore, our experiences might have taught us to rely only on ourselves to make the best decisions we can, to trust our instincts as we try to survive all that life sends our way.

Depression or despondency can feel like a heavy blanket that weighs us down or a fog that prevents us from thinking clearly. We can feel helpless and alone to the point of hiding our true feelings for fear of being shamed or misunderstood. We try to figure it out. We reach for temporary fixes. We resort to anything that makes us feel better. But without appropriate care, we can spiral into hopelessness.

Jesus communicated the heaviness he felt in the garden of Gethsemane. In Matthew 26:37–38, he tells his friends how he feels and asks them to be with him. Then in Matthew 26:39, he reaches out to God—and God stood ready to give an answer. The rest of the story reveals that the God of heaven did not remove the events that caused Jesus’ sorrow but instead was with Jesus every step. And he promises to be there to help us, too.

Those who are heavy-laden with despair should come unto the Lord.

Ezra Taft Benson

Draw aside, into the secret place no one but you and God can explore. This is a place from which all questions can be revered. Doubts and struggles are safe to open up and wrestle with, in this place. Tears are welcome.

Jenneth Graser

Any concern too small to be a prayer is too small to be a burden.

Corrie ten Boom

For Further Reflection

Psalm 34:17; Psalm 55:22; Isaiah 41:13

Today’s Prayer

Father, I am sinking. Please help me to move toward the life preserver of your Word and your people to find rest. Give me the courage and strength to take the next step. Be the bright light on the path of my healing journey. Amen.

From the Book:

100 Days to Freedom from Depression cover image

100 Days to Freedom from Depression
By Stephen Arterburn
Aspire Press

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