Proverbs 31:1-31 GNT
Proverbs 31:1-31 GNT [1] These are the solemn words which King Lemuel's mother said to him: [2] "You are my own dear son, the answer to my prayers. What shall I tell you? [3] Don't spend all your energy on sex and all your money on women; they have destroyed kings. [4] Listen, Lemuel. Kings should not drink wine or have a craving for alcohol. [5] When they drink, they forget the laws and ignore the rights of people in need. [6] Alcohol is for people who are dying, for those who are in misery. [7] Let them drink and forget their poverty and unhappiness. [8] "Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless. [9] Speak for them and be a righteous judge. Protect the rights of the poor and needy." [10] How hard it is to find a capable wife! She is worth far more than jewels! [11] Her husband puts his confidence in her, and he will never be poor. [12] As long as she lives, she does him good and never harm. [13] She keeps herself busy making wool and linen cloth. [14] She brings home food from out-of-the-way places, as merchant ships do. [15] She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her family and to tell her servant women what to do. [16] She looks at land and buys it, and with money she has earned she plants a vineyard. [17] She is a hard worker, strong and industrious. [18] She knows the value of everything she makes, and works late into the night. [19] She spins her own thread and weaves her own cloth. [20] She is generous to the poor and needy. [21] She doesn't worry when it snows, because her family has warm clothing. [22] She makes bedspreads and wears clothes of fine purple linen. [23] Her husband is well known, one of the leading citizens. [24] She makes clothes and belts, and sells them to merchants. [25] She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future. [26] She speaks with a gentle wisdom. [27] She is always busy and looks after her family's needs. [28] Her children show their appreciation, and her husband praises her. [29] He says, "Many women are good wives, but you are the best of them all." [30] Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honors the LORD should be praised. [31] Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.
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Good News Translation
American Bible Society