Isaiah 48:12-22 NIV

Isaiah 48:12-22 NIV [12] “Listen to me, Jacob, Israel, whom I have called: I am he; I am the first and I am the last. [13] My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I summon them, they all stand up together. [14] “Come together, all of you, and listen: Which of the idols has foretold these things? The LORD’s chosen ally will carry out his purpose against Babylon; his arm will be against the Babylonians. [15] I, even I, have spoken; yes, I have called him. I will bring him, and he will succeed in his mission. [16] “Come near me and listen to this: “From the first announcement I have not spoken in secret; at the time it happens, I am there.” And now the Sovereign LORD has sent me, endowed with his Spirit. [17] This is what the LORD says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. [18] If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea. [19] Your descendants would have been like the sand, your children like its numberless grains; their name would never be blotted out nor destroyed from before me.” [20] Leave Babylon, flee from the Babylonians! Announce this with shouts of joy and proclaim it. Send it out to the ends of the earth; say, “The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacob.” [21] They did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and water gushed out. [22] “There is no peace,” says the LORD, “for the wicked.”

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