John 3 - Amplified Study Bible
3:2 at night. The fact that Nicodemus came to Jesus at night may reveal the timidity of his faith (12:42); however, his faith was developing (7:50–51; 19:39).
3:5 born of water and the Spirit. There are several interpretations of this phrase. (1) Jesus was referring to water baptism (Ac 10:43–47). (2) Water is to be understood as a symbol for the Holy Spirit. (3) Water is to be understood as a symbol of the Word of God. (4) Jesus used the phrase “born of water” to refer to physical birth. He then used the contrasting phrase “of the Spirit” to refer to spiritual birth. (5) Jesus used the phrase “born of water” to refer to John the Baptist’s baptism. (6) Jesus used the Old Testament imagery of “water” and “wind” to refer to the work of God from above (Isa 44:3–5).
3:8 The wind. Jesus used the wind as an illustration of the work of the Holy Spirit. The Greek word translated Spirit also means “wind.” As the wind seemingly blows where it wills, so the Holy Spirit sovereignly works. Likewise, no one knows the origin or destination of the wind, but everyone knows it is there. The same is true of the Holy Spirit.
3:12 heavenly things. This refers to events like Christ’s ascension (6:61–62) and the coming of the Holy Spirit (16:7).
3:14 lifted up. Every time these words occur in the Gospel of John, there is a reference to Jesus’ death (8:28; 12:32,34). as Moses lifted up the [bronze] serpent in the desert. Those who looked at it lived (Nu 21:9). So it is with the Son of Man (1:51).
3:16 Belief—Belief involves understanding, knowing, living, and being committed to a relationship with God. How one does all that is so different from not doing it, it is like being born again to a new life. Nicodemus had a little knowledge. What Nicodemus failed to understand was the nature of spiritual reality. He was earthbound and didn’t understand that Jesus and belief are God things. He could not get from where he was to where Jesus was on the road of his understanding. He needed to accept a new road, namely the one Jesus was walking, toward Him. Jesus draws us to that light, His light. We have to respond to it as Nicodemus did over time (Jn 7:50; 19:39). Belief involves internalizing these truths with our whole hearts and minds, being born again, letting all of ourselves be exposed to, and by, that light. Go to Theological Notes Index
3:20 For every wrongdoer hates the Light. People offer many excuses for not accepting Christ. Some cite the presence of hypocrites in the church. Others claim inability to believe some of the truths about Christ or the gospel. These are merely attempts to conceal a heart in rebellion against God. The ultimate reason people do not come to Christ is that they do not want to.
3:26 they came to John. John the Baptist’s disciples were loyal to him. They were deeply concerned that one of his “disciples,” Jesus, was competing with and surpassing him. In their astonishment, they exaggerated the predicament, saying, “all men come to him.” They were concerned that John was losing his audience to another preacher.
3:27 John replied. John the Baptist clarified the relationship between himself and Jesus. First, he talked about himself (vv. 27–29); then he talked about Jesus (vv. 30–36). John explained that he could not accept the position of supremacy that his disciples wanted to thrust upon him because he had not received it from heaven.
3:29 friend of the bridegroom. John compared himself to this person who was generally appointed to arrange the preliminaries of the wedding, to manage the wedding, and to preside at the wedding feast.
3:31 He who comes from [heaven] above. This is a reference to Christ. he who is of the earth. This refers to John the Baptist. John emphasized his earthly origin and its limitations. John proclaimed divine truth on earth; Jesus, on the other hand, is from heaven and above all.
3:33 has set his seal. In a society where many could not read, seals were used to convey a clear message, even to the illiterate. A seal indicated ownership to all and expressed a person’s personal guarantee. To receive Jesus’ testimony is to certify that God is true regarding what He has sealed.
3:34 God gives [the gift of] the Spirit without measure. Unlike human teachers, Jesus was not given the Spirit in a limited way (Isa 11:1–2). All three Persons of the Trinity are referred to in this verse; God the Father sent Christ the Son, and gave Him the Holy Spirit without measure.
Amplified Study Bible