1 Corinthians 2:1-16 Voice

1 Corinthians 2:1-16 Voice [1] My brothers and sisters, I did not pose as an expert with all the answers. I did not pretend to explain the mystery of God with eloquent speech and human wisdom. [2] I claimed to know nothing with certainty other than the reality that Jesus is the Anointed One, the Liberating King, who was crucified on our behalf. [3] I was moved to utter despair during my time with you. I would find myself trembling in dread and fear. [4] The sermons I preached were not delivered with the kind of persuasive elegance some have come to expect, but they were effective because I relied on God's Spirit to demonstrate God's power. [5] If this were not so, your faith would be based on human wisdom and not the power of God. [6] However, in the presence of mature believers, we do impart true wisdom-not the phony wisdom typical of this rebellious age or of the hostile powers who rule this age. Despite what you may think, these ruling spirits are losing their grip on this world. [7] But we do impart God's mysterious and hidden wisdom. Before the ages began, God graciously decided to use His wisdom for our glory. [8] This wisdom has not been grasped by the ruling powers of this age; if they had understood, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. [9] But as the Scriptures say, No eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard and it has never occurred to the human heart All the things God prepared for those who love Him. [10] God has shown us these profound and startling realities through His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep mysteries of God. [11] Who can see into a man's heart and know his thoughts? Only the spirit that dwells within the man. In the same way, the thoughts of God are known only by His Spirit. [12] You must know that we have not received the spirit of this rebellious and broken world but the Spirit that comes from God, so that we may experience and comprehend the gifts that come from God. [13] We do not speak of these gifts of God in words shaped by human wisdom; we speak in words crafted by the Spirit because our collective judgment on spiritual matters is accessible to those who have the Spirit. [14] But a person who denies spiritual realities will not accept the things that come through the Spirit of God; they all sound like foolishness to him. He is incapable of grasping them because they are disseminated, discerned, and valued by the Spirit. [15] A person who walks by the Spirit examines everything, sizing it up and seeking out truth. But no one is able to examine or size up that kind of spiritual person, [16] for the Scripture asks, "Does anyone know the mind of the Lord well enough to become His advisor?" But we do possess the mind of the Anointed One.

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